Plumbers Without Borders is a grassroots effort, born from the desire to help people in dire need, where human suffering and disease is caused in part by a lack of safe plumbing and hygienic sanitation. Their vision is simple, a world where everyone has access to safe water and sanitation – where senseless suffering and disease is eradicated by the implementation of appropriate plumbing and sanitary systems.
Training and education, in the prevention of water-borne diseases, and the implementation of safe and sustainable sanitary systems is critical to building and improving local capacity in all communities, whether developed or developing.
At BSI, we applaud that effort. We believe that being involved with and serving our community is a vital part of our mission as a locally owned business. Over the years we’ve been fortunate enough to be able to support Plumbers Without Borders.
Just this year, PWB assisted in the construction of homes for the homeless, built community food-growing garden-plots and traveled to Africa installing rain-water harvesting tanks and water distribution piping , working alongside the village of Misuuni leaders and townspeople to provide safe water to a school of 800 students and their families.
Currently PWB has teamed up with the International Rescue Committee in Phoenix AZ, to renovate/upgrade and expand water distribution and drainage systems in their existing aquaponic farm garden community food hub.
PWB has also created a global directory connecting volunteers with humanitarian organizations on plumbing-related projects around the world. Over 300 plumbers and another 200 industry-related individuals have already registered. To find out more information or to volunteer visit