Tips for Productivity in the Workplace and Remote Working Insight

Here at BSI Online, we are a remote employee-based companywith our staff being located all across the United States and Canada, like British Columbia, Illinois, Hawaii, Florida, and Kentucky, just to name a few. Since 2020, we have successfully transitioned to a remote working environment and work from home entity, with our main offices based in Chicago and Vancouver. We have compiled productivity tips and tricks, along with remote working insight to share how one can manage professional success with personal happiness!  

Prioritize Healthy Habits 

It is not solely the tasks you complete during the workday that impact your productivity, the activities you participate in outside of work carry a lot of weight as well. Seemingly small changes can have a major effect on your energy levels, focus, and overall wellbeing. A few quick things to try: drink an entire glass of water BEFORE your coffee, get UP from your desk each hour and stretch, and try to achieve a better bedtime routine (even a half hour helps)! 

Refine your Workspace 

Ensure you have a clean, dedicated space to work. This helps separate your “living” areas versus your “work” area. This will allow you to focus, minimize distractions, and create a work/life balance when working from home! This dedicated space serves as an exclusive area for work-related tasks. It should be where you can access work resources you need to fulfill your day-to-day duties. This will set boundaries to one’s daily pursuits. 

Take a Break (or a few!) 

Make it a priority to take breaks during the workday and do not neglect to take them! This will benefit both the employee and the organization. Ongoing work without taking breaks can lead to faster burnout and increased stress levels. Stepping away from work and your workspace for a few minutes every hour or so will help to increase productivity, job satisfaction, and create an overall more engaged mindset. Make certain to take a break before becoming fatigued to prevent decision fatigue…refuel and focus on healthy habits during break time. 

Focus on One Item at a Time 

Work on the MOST important task at hand, then move your way through your to-do list until all items are completed. It is okay to bounce around from task to task, this will help you stay creative, fresh, and dedicated to the task at hand. Work on one item for 45 minutes then another for 20, and vice versa! 

Goals, Goals, Goals 

Set goals on a daily basis. Setting goals helps to create new habits/behaviors, guides your focus, and helps maintain momentum and encouragement. As you work towards your goals, you will gain decision-making skills. The more goals you set, the easier it gets to make effective decisions. Set realistic goals and define the steps to reach them. Review your progress each day and reward the little wins, ending your workday with a small victory will start the next day on a positive note. Do not be afraid to adjust goals as needed – rather than giving up completely when you do not meet a goal, adjust the goal to fit your current needs. 

Optimize your Communication Tools 

Whether it is email, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, or basic phone calls – manage communication between yourself and your team members. If a project involves multiple team members working remotely, regular (we suggest once or twice a week at minimum!) video conferences are a necessary tool to keep everyone in the loop on progress and milestones. Monthly department meetings are crucial for larger goals such as projects or upcoming events. Presenting and relaying goals creates a collaborative environment. Daily chat via instant messaging platforms keeps regular communication consistent and is a great tool for questions that need quick answers. Utilize a web tool that can track tasks, due dates, and upcoming projects. Find what works best for you and your team! 

Create a Routine 

But do not let it consume you if a day goes off-track from that routine! Having a day-to-day schedule will help build healthy habits and maintain positive work and personal relationships. Establishing a routine will keep you grounded and make your days more positive and productive. 

Do you have any professional or industry tips you would like to share? Would you like your organization to be spotlighted on the next BSI Blog? If so, reach out directly to to get connected! Interested in BSI Online’s cloud-based backflow data management solution and service or additional services? Visit our website, here, to learn more! 

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